Rent control

The Global Housing Crisis: Trends and Implications for Affordable Housing

The Global Housing Crisis: Trends and Implications for Affordable Housing

The world is currently grappling with a pressing challenge that transcends borders and affects millions of lives – the global housing crisis. As populations continue to grow, urbanize, and migrate, the demand for housing has surged, creating a complex web of interconnected issues that impact housing affordability, social equity, and economic stability. In this article, we explore the fundamental trends...

National Service Struggle: Ghana's Graduates and Affordable Housing

National Service Struggle: Ghana’s Graduates and Affordable Housing

In Ghana, the transition from higher education to the working world is marked by a mandatory rite of passage: National Service. A noble initiative aimed at instilling a sense of duty and patriotism among the youth, National Service requires graduates to work for the state for a full year. However, as the sun rises on the aspirations of these young minds, it casts a shadow over their dreams due to an...

Innovative Approaches to Affordable Housing for Low-Income Communities in Ghana

Innovative Approaches to Affordable Housing for Low-Income Communities in Ghana

Access to affordable and adequate housing remains a critical challenge for low-income communities in Ghana. Rapid urbanization, population growth, and limited resources have exacerbated this issue, making it essential to explore innovative approaches that can address the housing needs of the most vulnerable segments of society. In recent years, various creative and sustainable solutions have emerged to...

CEO of the Rentchamber Group, Advocates For Innovative Housing Solutions

CEO of the Rentchamber Group, Advocates For Innovative Housing Solutions

  Mr. Divine Aggor, CEO of Rentchamber Group Ltd, was recently featured in an article published by Equal Times, where he spoke about the challenges of affordable housing in Ghana. Mr. Aggor's insights shed light on the current state of the housing market in Ghana and the efforts being made to address the issue. In the article, Mr. Aggor highlighted the high demand for affordable housing in Ghana...

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