Housing Deficit

Housing as a Human Right: Assessing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 11

Housing as a Human Right: Assessing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11

Amid the hustle and bustle of an ever-changing world, a stark reality persists - access to a fundamental human necessity, adequate housing, remains an unfulfilled dream for countless individuals. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) stands as a beacon of hope, striving to pave the way toward sustainable cities and communities where the right to housing is upheld. However, beneath...

CEO of the Rentchamber Group, Advocates For Innovative Housing Solutions

CEO of the Rentchamber Group, Advocates For Innovative Housing Solutions

  Mr. Divine Aggor, CEO of Rentchamber Group Ltd, was recently featured in an article published by Equal Times, where he spoke about the challenges of affordable housing in Ghana. Mr. Aggor's insights shed light on the current state of the housing market in Ghana and the efforts being made to address the issue. In the article, Mr. Aggor highlighted the high demand for affordable housing in Ghana...

2 Bedroom Apartment For Rent at East Legon Hills

Ghana’s Housing Situation-Household Facilities and Amenities

In Ghana, as at 2010,  44.5 percent of households occupy only one room, 24.8 percent occupy two rooms and 11.6 percent three rooms. More than half (54.4%) of household members sleep in single rooms, 24.3 percent sleep in two rooms and about 10 percent sleep in three rooms. Only 11.2 percent of households sleep in four or more rooms. More than 60 percent of households in Ashanti (64.5%), Central (64.0%)...

Kiosk Estate Residents Cry For Help: Who Saves Them?

Kiosk Estates are springing up across Ghana's major cities in light of high rent charges and the unregulated nature of Ghana's property rental market. This phenomenon has been on the ascendency over the decades but there seems to be no hope in sight. Hundreds of thousands of these slum dwellers, some of which Rentchamber had conversations with, are hard-working citizens who deserve better accommodation....

On the Folly of Rent Control, What Can Ghana Learn From The USA

In 1994, Massachusetts voters approved Question 9, a ballot initiative that banned rent control statewide. It was a vote in favor of economic fairness and basic property rights, and it established a consensus that has stood for 25 years: Rents should be regulated by supply and demand, not by politicians. For years, heavy-handed rules governing what landlords could charge for their property had wreaked...

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