Why Should I Hire A Professional Moving Company?

You love a good and safe neighborhood. That is why you want to move from your current location, but the endless tasks of preparing for your move to your new home can be a daunting task. Most often too the decision to either hire a company or do it yourself can be an addition to the stress of relocating. Should I hire a company or not. The following insights may just be enough reason for you to have...

Kiosk Estate Residents Cry For Help: Who Saves Them?

Kiosk Estates are springing up across Ghana's major cities in light of high rent charges and the unregulated nature of Ghana's property rental market. This phenomenon has been on the ascendency over the decades but there seems to be no hope in sight. Hundreds of thousands of these slum dwellers, some of which Rentchamber had conversations with, are hard-working citizens who deserve better accommodation....

What Are The Property Rates In Accra?

Property Rates(also popularly called Property Taxes) in Ghana, are taxes  paid on properties on annual basis. This tax is collected and administered by the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs). However, it is vital to note that Rent Taxes, on the other hand, are collected by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). Property tax is levied annually on the estimated value of the property,...

Property Rates and Rent Taxes: What Is The Current Situation In Ghana?

Property rates and rent taxes will soon be reviewed to reflect their current economic value, Dr Larbi Siaw, Tax Policy Advisor at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning has said. Read.... What Are The Property Rates In Accra? Property income taxation has long been seen as an area largely neglected by the country's tax authorities. Its share of GDP in Ghana is 0.03 percent, compared to an...

What Is Rent Control?

Rent control is a government program that places a limit on the amount that a landlord can demand for leasing a home or for renewing a lease, According to Investopedia. Rent control laws are usually enacted by municipalities and the details vary widely. All are intended to keep living costs affordable for lower-income residents. Check: Rentchamber's Affordable Housing...

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